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Our Germany

September 5, 2019

"Unity and justice and freedom" are both the first words of the German national anthem and three core values that characterize our country. But how have they developed over the course of German post-war history?

Deutschland, Berlin, Reichstag, Flaggen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Europäischen Union
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/M.Skolimowska

What challenges confronted unity, justice and freedom in post-war Germany, and what challenges do these values face today? How do people in East and West relate to them? This three-part documentary delves into the history of the whole of Germany, both Cold War West and East Germany, and talks to Germans, refugees, guest workers and migrants. The never-ending struggle for unity, justice and freedom is illustrated by the historic events of the last 70 years. We hear from many people who have played a decisive role in shaping German democracy: Politicians and protesters; East German writers and the West German journalists who defended press freedom in the Federal Republic; women's rights activists, lawyers who represented the Red Army Faction terrorists; Police officers and data protectors - the winners and sometimes losers in the struggle for our democracy. 


Part 1: Unity

The first part concerns unity. Who "belongs" to an open society and who doesn't? How does a democratic society deal with "others," with refugees and displaced persons, with guest and contract workers? How much diversity can a society cope with? And what about the relationship between Germans in the West and those in the former Communist East? We revisit highly emotive questions that have repeatedly been asked over the last seven decades. 

Broadcasting Hours:

DW English

MON 21.10.2019 – 01:15 UTC
MON 21.10.2019 – 05:15 UTC
TUE 22.10.2019  – 09:15 UTC
SAT 26.10.2019 – 12:15 UTC
SUN 27.10.2019 – 15:15 UTC

Cape Town UTC +2 | Delhi UTC +5,5 | Hong Kong UTC +8
San Francisco UTC -7 | Edmonton UTC -6 | New York UTC -4
Lagos UTC +1 | Cape Town UTC +2 | Nairobi UTC +3 
London UTC +1 | Berlin UTC +2 | Moscow UTC +3

DW Deutsch+

TUE 22.10.2019  – 09:15 UTC 

Vancouver UTC -7 | New York UTC -4 | Sao Paulo UTC -3

Part 2: Justice

The second part of our documentary series looks at "justice." The rule of law is the cornerstone of our democracy: A catalogue of fundamental rights and a constitutional supreme court together build a system that was designed to provide maximum legal certainty. But the path from the ideal to its realization was also a long one. Communist East Germany took a fundamentally different view of the independence of the judiciary and subordinated the law to the will of the party. Many rights were hard-fought in the West too - for example, those concerning equality and diversity. Now the threat of terrorism presents us with new challenges. The fight for fundamental rights is far from over. 
This three-part documentary delves into the history of the whole of Germany, both Cold War West and East Germany, and talks to Germans, refugees, guest workers and migrants. 

Broadcasting Hours:

DW English

MON 28.10.2019 – 01:15 UTC
MON 28.10.2019 – 05:15 UTC
TUE 29.10.2019 – 09:15 UTC
SAT 02.11.2019 – 12:15 UTC
SUN 03.11.2019 – 15:15 UTC

Cape Town UTC +2 | Delhi UTC +5,5 | Hong Kong UTC +8
San Francisco UTC -7 | Edmonton UTC -6 | New York UTC -4
Lagos UTC +1 | Cape Town UTC +2 | Nairobi UTC +3 
London UTC +1 | Berlin UTC +2 | Moscow UTC +3

DW Deutsch+

TUE 29.10.2019  – 09:15 UTC 

Vancouver UTC -7 | New York UTC -4 | Sao Paulo UTC -3


Part 3: Freedom

The last part of this three-part documentary is dedicated to what is probably the most highly regarded value of all, but freedom has not always been a given for all Germans. Those who grew up in the then German Democratic Republic, have a different appreciation of freedom to those from the west of the country. In the East, the freedom to make your own life choices was constrained existentially, which ultimately led to large sections of the population demanding it, whereas in the West, freedoms have applied from the outset; but despite this, freedom of the press and opinion still have to be defended. 

Broadcasting Hours:

DW English

MON 04.11.2019 – 01:15 UTC
MON 04.11.2019 – 05:15 UTC
TUE 05.11.2019 – 09:15 UTC
SAT 09.11.2019 – 12:15 UTC
SUN 10.11.2019 – 15:15 UTC

Cape Town UTC +2 | Delhi UTC +5,5 | Hong Kong UTC +8
San Francisco UTC -7 | Edmonton UTC -6 | New York UTC -4
Lagos UTC +1 | Cape Town UTC +2 | Nairobi UTC +3 
London UTC +1 | Berlin UTC +2 | Moscow UTC +3

DW Deutsch+

TUE 05.11.2019 – 09:15 UTC 

Vancouver UTC -7 | New York UTC -4 | Sao Paulo UTC -3