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Biden confronts Russia and China: But can the US win?

March 25, 2021

Joe Biden's new administration in Washington is playing hardball with both China and Russia. So, what's he hoping to achieve? Guests: Matthew Karnitschnig (Politico), Hang-Shuen Lee (DW Asia Desk), Malte Lehming (Der Tagesspiegel)



DW Sendung To The Point | Matthew Karnitschnig
Image: DW


Matthew Karnitschnig from the US magazine Politico. He says: "Biden’s foreign policy course won’t lead to a confrontation, it will help the world avoid one by making clear to both China and Russia where the red lines are."


DW Sendung To The Point | Lehming
Image: DW


Malte Lehming from der Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel. His opinion: "If all three big powers abandon any sense of caution, then a very messy escalation could follow." 


DW Sendung To The Point | Hang-Shuen Lee
Image: DW



Hang-Shuen Lee from DW's Asia Desk. She thinks: "China's 'wolf warrior diplomacy' is a mistake. The more aggressive it gets, the closer the West will be drawn together."