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To the point - Diplomacy post-Trump: Will Biden make the world a better place

November 12, 2020

Joe Biden has promised a reset in US foreign relations. What can we expect? Guests: Staci Bivens (DW), Jamie Fly (German Marshall Fund), Christoph von Marschall (Tagesspiegel)

DW Sendung To The Point | Staci Bivens
Image: DW


Staci Bivens from DW's own US election team, who says: "Joe Biden must realize that America's allies are looking for a team player, not a team leader."


DW Sendung To The Point | Jamie Fly
Image: DW



Jamie Fly, from the German Marshall Fund, a former advisor to President George W. Bush, who argues that: "America will remain divided and distracted under President Biden. And that will harm its ability to partner with allies."


DW Sendung To The Point | Christoph von Marschall
Image: DW


Christoph von Marschall, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent at Der Tagesspiegel. He says: "Under President Biden, relations with Germany and Europe might be a little less abrasive. But demands for greater commitment from Berlin and Brussels will remain."