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Germany Offers 2 Million Units of Smallpox Vaccination

November 11, 2003

In the event of a smallpox outbreak, Germany says it can supply up to 2 million units to the international community, the government revealed at a meeting of health ministers in Berlin.

One hundred units of smallpox vaccine fit inside this bottle.Image: AP

German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt told conference participants that Germany recognized its global responsibility in the event of a smallpox outbreak and is prepared to offer 2 million units of vaccination to the World Health Organization if the need arises. The government said it planned to produce 200 million units by 2004.

"Now that we have enough vaccine for ourselves, the government has agreed to help in building up a reserve of smallpox vaccine," Schmidt said.

Ulla Schmidt
German Health Minister Ulla SchmidtImage: AP

Global response to global threats

Canada and Britain have already offered to supply units to the pool. Other members of the Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI) include France, Italy, Japan, Mexico and the United States.

The GHSI was established shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in order to ensure protection against the dangers posed by biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. The group wants to share its information with other countries via the World Health Organization. As a result, GHSI is expected to increase public health safety around the globe since the threat of epidemics and biological weapons cross borders and require cooperation, Schmidt said.

World-wide cooperation

Health ministers and WHO Director-General Lee Jong Wook also discussed creating a legal framework for the distribution of the vaccine in the coming year, enabling WHO to become active in countries that lack their own reserves. The group also wants to improve its communications in case of a public health emergency.

An electromicrographic image of the smallpox virus.Image: AP

In September, GHSI organized a multinational training exercise which simulated a smallpox outbreak. Ministers said the drill helped to pinpoint weaknesses in the system and described it as a way to improve cooperation between GHSI member states, the European Union commission and the WHO.

EU establishes rapid alert system

EU Health Commissioner David Byrne said preparations to counter a possible smallpox attack were going well. A rapid warning system exists at the EU level, and Brussels wants to expand it to include the 10 new member states slated to join next May, Byrne said.

Pockenschutzimpfung im Ichilov Hospitzal in Tel Aviv, Israel Pocken
So far, mainly health workers have been vaccinated against smallpox.Image: AP

In case of an epidemic, all member states and public health officials should be alerted within an hour of learning of the outbreak, the commissioner added.