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Learn a funny, quirky German word each week with DW's Word of the Week feature. This week: Tollpatsch.

Image: picture-alliance / dpa / Fotomontage DW

The Goethe Institute -- a government-sponsored promoter of the German language and culture abroad -- announced on Friday, April 25, that this year's prize for the best linguistic import goes to "Tollpatsch." This word, which could loosely be translated as "clumsy fool" in English, stems from a 17th-century Hungarian nickname for a foot soldier. The word beat other illustrious contenders such as "currywurst" (a mixture of German wurst and Tamil curry) and Engel (angel, which comes from Greek). "This word has traveled many kilometers and overcome borders…it walked its shoe-leader off on the long way from Hungary to Germany," said Berlin resident Barbara Eulberg, who entered the word in the competition. "We laugh over newcomers, but integrate the migrants so fast and successfully that we have completely forgotten its migrant background."