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How private companies influence global food systems

Thomas Kruchem | Anke Rasper
September 15, 2021

On out of ten people globally suffer from hunger while a third of food is going to waste. Climate change and conflicts exacerbate the crisis. The UN is  proposing a new global food agenda to improve the food systems. Yet critics say that too much of the focus is on big companies and industrial agriculture, instead of also strengthening the role of small farmers in sustainable food production.  


So what's at stake? Are international companies really imposing their own interests on the discussion, sidelining other solutions and stakeholders on a new global food agenda?   

Thomas Kruchem talked to African farmers, UN diplomats, companies and critics of the new UN food agenda ahead of next week's UN Food Systems Summit. His half hour feature is presented by  Neil King.   

Anke Rasper
Anke Rasper Anke is a senior editor with DW's environment team.
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