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British lawmaker arrested over rape allegations: reports

August 2, 2020

A British MP was arrested after being accused of rape and sexual assault by a former parliamentary employee, according to reports. The police did not name the lawmaker but identified him as "a man in his 50s."

England, London: Houses of Parliament
Image: Getty Images/AFP/C. Court

A lawmaker and former minister of Britain's ruling Conservative Party was arrested on Saturday after being accused of rape, sexual assault, and coercive control, the Sunday Times reported.

London's Metropolitan Police did not name the politician or confirm any further details about his identity or occupation. The police said it had launched an investigation into the case.

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"On Friday, 31 July, the Metropolitan Police service received allegations relating to four separate incidents involving allegations of sexual offenses and assault," the police said.

"A man in his 50s was arrested on Saturday, 1 August on suspicion of rape. He has been released on bail to return on a date in mid-August," the Met Police said. "These offenses are alleged to have occurred at addresses in Westminster, Lambeth, and Hackney between July 2019 and January 2020."

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According to the Sunday Times, a woman in her twenties alleged that the MP assaulted her, forced to have sex, and left her so traumatized that she had to go to a hospital.

The woman was a former parliamentary employee, the newspaper said.

A spokesperson for the Conservatives issued a statement late Saturday. "We take all allegations of this nature extremely seriously. As this matter is now in the hands of the police it would be inappropriate to comment further."

adi/aw (AFP, Reuters)