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Opaque Worlds - The Rise of Big Tech

January 28, 2022

Mega-corporations like Amazon and Facebook are becoming more powerful. And their growth shows no signs of slowing down. They are in the public eye -- but are they also above the law?

Logos von Amazon, Google und Facebook
Image: Arnaud Journois/PHOTOPQR/LE PARISIEN/MAXPPP/picture alliance

USA Washington | Chefs von Tech-Konzernen wehren sich gegen Wettbewerbsvorwürfe
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/Kyodo Foto/MAXPPP

The pandemic has only made the "big four” -- Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook -- more influential.  Our data has become big business. But are these corporations out of control?  

Videostill Dokumentation I„Schattenwelten - Der Aufstieg der Mega-Konzerne"
Image: DW/ZDF

Experts have long watched as corporations like Apple and Amazon flout antitrust laws, while receiving special treatment: When it comes to wages, taxes and laws, these corporations seem to rewrite the rules as they go.

[No title]
Image: Damien Meyer/AFP

Many critics consider Facebook and Google’s systematic data exploitation a violation of our core democratic principals. Moreover, the line between the state and mega-corporations is growing even foggier. Some states believe there is simply no way around these giants. Corporate power seems like it is here to stay. 

Market driven surveillance undermines our sovereignty and thus the very foundation of Western democracies. There is a storm brewing both in the U.S. and Europe. But the corporations are ready for it. Will they continue on this dangerous trajectory, or is there some chance we can still rein them in?

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