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Faith Matters - The Cup and the Covenant - Wine and Catholicism

August 2, 2020

Wine cultivation is a continuous thread running through both the Jewish and Christian scriptures. No plant is mentioned more times in the Bible than the grape and its products. So it’s hardly surprising that wine is an important symbol for Christians.


Wine has been part of civilisation for more than six thousand years. On religious holidays and on the Sabbath Jews pronounce a blessing over cups of wine. For the ancient Greeks and Romans wine also had symbolic significance; it was poured out in libations to the gods. The Book of Genesis names Noah as the first winegrower. After rescuing humans and animals during the Great Flood he is said to have planted the first vines on Earth. The parables that Jesus of Nazareth told are full of references to vineyards, grapevines and wine. The Catholic Mass, a religious commemoration of Jesus’ death and resurrection, is based on his actions during the Last Supper, when the saviour is said to have taken wine, blessed it, and given the cup to his disciples saying, "Take this all of you and drink from it. This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant . . .” In this report we take a look at the cultural and spiritual significance of wine in the Catholic tradition.