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World in Progress: Refugees at Risk 

March 16, 2022

Topics: How the war in Ukraine impacts food shortages in Tunisia // Why many rulers in the Middle East are rooting for Russia // Syrian refugees working in Turkey's plastic recycling industry - under hazardous conditions.


Tunisia's food Prices and the war in Ukraine

Many North African states rely heavily on food imports from Russia and Ukraine. Tunisia for instance gets up to 60 percent of its wheat imports from Ukraine. 
Even before the current war, the Tunisian economy had a hard time coping with a lack of income due to the pandemic. Now shortages in the country are increasing and consumers often find empty shelves. In the past, soaring food prices - and bad living conditions have sparked protests - and in 2010, they triggered the Tunisian revolution.

Report: Dunja Sadaqi  (presenter: Elliot Douglas) 

Why some Arab Rulers root for Russia  

The Tunisian revolution also triggered unrest in other countries in north Africa and ignited the Arab Spring. In Syria, the discontent with the government escalated in a bloody civil war - in the past 11 years, it has killed more than 350,000 people  and displaced some 15 million more. 
Russian planes continue to support Syria's government and help to keep this war going. A number of Arab countries have economic and political ties to Russia, which also impacts on their reactions to the war in Ukraine,

Report: Martin Durm (presenter: Samantha Baker)  

Syrians in the Turkish Recycling industry 

While the war in Ukraine is currently displacing milllions of people, some 7 million Syrians have fled their country in the past decade due to the ongoing civil war. Many now live in neighboring countries, like Turkey. 
Most of them are trying to make a living in the cities, for instance in the southern city of Adana, not far from the Syrian border.
Some have found jobs in the booming plastic recycling industry. But they are badly paid, and the work is hazardous. 
Nicole Graaf and Emre Çaylak talked to workers and insiders for this in-depth report. All names of the refugees were changed to protect their identity. The research was supported by Journalismfund.eu. Neil King is the presenter. 
Report: Nicole Graaf and Emre Çaylak  (presenter: Neil King) 

Anke Rasper
Anke Rasper Anke is a senior editor with DW's environment team.
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