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No words allowed - how was Paris, Gönna?

Gönna Ketels & Sophie KirbyOctober 14, 2014

Gönna is almost done editing her story about Alina, a young Roma woman living in Paris. Time to look back. But: in silence, no words allowed!


Gönna, you were filming with Alina, a young Roma woman in Paris. How does she feel she is treated in France?

EINSCHRÄNKUNG für LIFE LINKS - No words Allowed - Gönna
Image: T. Delhoume

You were at a Roma birthday party - which dance move did you learn?

EINSCHRÄNKUNG für LIFE LINKS - No words Allowed - Gönna
Image: T. Delhoume

In many countries across Europe, Roma are hated for simply being who they are. What have you come to like about them?

EINSCHRÄNKUNG für LIFE LINKS - No words Allowed - Gönna
Image: T. Delhoume

You're fluent in French. What else are you really good at?

EINSCHRÄNKUNG für LIFE LINKS - No words Allowed - Gönna
Image: T. Delhoume

When you were growing up - what did you want to be?

EINSCHRÄNKUNG für LIFE LINKS - No words Allowed - Gönna
Image: T. Delhoume

When life gets tough - run or fight?

EINSCHRÄNKUNG für LIFE LINKS - No words Allowed - Gönna
Image: T. Delhoume

Filming, tweeting, writing, taking pictures, meeting people - or something completely different. What's your favorite part about your job?

EINSCHRÄNKUNG für LIFE LINKS - No words Allowed - Gönna
Image: T. Delhoume