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DW's new multimedia project for Africa

Steffen HeinzeJuly 17, 2015

“Africa on the Move” is Deutsche Welle's new multimedia package. With support from Germany's Federal Foreign Office, it presents influential young Africans - with 90 films plus radio and online portraits planned in 2015.

Africa on the move
Image: DW

The series will introduce “African champions” who are making things happen - such as those behind the "Balai Citoyen" (The Citizen's Broom) movement in Burkina Faso, which played a significant role in “sweeping” the long-serving ruler Blaise Compaore from office. The group's unsung hero is online activist Oscibi, who will be followed by a team from DW.

Leading Nigerian news broadcaster Channels TV is set to adopt the package of programming, while broadcasters in Mozambique, Tanzania and Ghana have already signaled their interest in the multilingual project. “The image of Africa as a place dominated by dictators, crises and catastrophes is inaccurate. There has long been a young, confident and mobile generation of people taking their destinies into their own hands. That's what we're putting in the foreground”, said DW Director of Programming Gerda Meuer.

Fanta Diallo is a young activist and entrepreneur who wants to prevent young migrants from making the life-threatening journey to Europe by helping them get established with the basics in life. She will be featured with a portrait in the series, alongside Rwandan entrepreneur Serge Ndekwe. Despite facing many political obstacles, he managed to establish his own restaurant and dairy. The reports will also feature Valentin Agons from Benin, who developed a plant-based treatment for malaria that is now ready to go to market as well as South African Enoch Ngwenya, who came up with a clever system of delivering the latest feature films to remote communities - thanks in part to his "suitcase cinema." Meuer described these individuals as “role models who spread their energy and inspire - and who will add key facets to the image of Africa in our media.”

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The television reports in “Africa on the Move” will also be produced in the following languages: Kiswahili, Hausa, French and Portuguese. Furthermore, DW will present the young achievers in its six radio programs for Africa and by way of its social media presence.

DW's radio programming for Africa reaches more than 30 million listeners each week, and its Facebook community has risen to around one million users - just in the languages Amharic, Kiswahili, Hausa, French and Portuguese. On Facebook, followers can get in touch with DW to recommend their own champions to be featured in the series.