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Get to know Anna

Anna FeistNovember 19, 2014

Moving to a different country as a child was challenging for Anna, but she did not let it hold her back. Find out how she springboarded her way from medicine into journalism.


After graduating from high school, I initially studied medicine. But I quickly realized that I care much more about what’s going on in someone’s head rather than in their body. So, after two semesters, I transferred to the social sciences department, which was when things became interesting. A friend suggested that I do an internship at the Berlin-based newspaper, Berliner Tageszeitung (BZ). During my first week, I landed an interview with Paulo Coelho. Then in my second week, I left Russian writer Vladimir Kaminer speechless - I became a freelancer. But I still wanted more: to be a television reporter. That’s where I am at now. I’ve been working at DW’s Euromaxx since 2013.

What was your biggest challenge growing up?

When I was 12 years old, I moved with my parents from Berlin to Brussels. It was a different world: people were rich and superficial. Embracing this new lifestyle was pretty tough.

Who do you turn to when life sucks?

My father. But he always gives me the same advice: Go running!

What does tolerance mean to you personally?

We are all same, but we still have different feelings and opinions, etc. Sometimes, this is hard to accept, but we have to be able to tolerate each other.