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Meet Aaron

Aaron TiltonOctober 14, 2014

Find out which clever tactic American-born Aaron employed to tackle his dyslexia.

Life Links, Reporter Aaron Tilton
Image: DW/Life Links

I have worked as a freelance broadcast and print journalist for around four years for outlets in both the United States and Germany. I got my start covering tech stories online but quickly moved on to what I really love: broadcast media. My reports have appeared on DW TV, Pro7/Sat 1 and USA Today, among others.

What was your biggest challenge growing up?

From an early age, I had a love of foreign languages, reading and creative writing. However, like many people with a passion for the creative use of language, I had to contend with developmental dyslexia which hampered my ability to express myself and threatened my academic achievement.

How did you work things out?

I studied several foreign languages, including German and Russian, and that helped me overcome my dyslexia. By learning foreign languages, I was able to “fill in the gaps” that were missing in my English ability.

Does life get easier the older you get?

No, it just gets more distracting.