DW's TV highlights in June | DW's press releases | DW | 01.06.2022
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TV highlights 2022

DW's TV highlights in June

Six documentaries to look out for this June: Big Tech dominance, the future of gene-based vaccines and the eco-age of travel… all in June's must-see films.

Logos von Amazon, Google und Facebook

The 'Big Four' tech companies

Opaque Worlds – The Rise of Big Tech

June 2

This five-part docuseries examines Big Tech's monopoly on information and addresses the harms wrought by the high-tech giants Facebook, Apple, Google, and Amazon: from click-bait culture to user privacy violations to the use of personal data for targeted online ads. Opaque Worlds returns to the small screen June 2. 

A Mother's Nightmare – The Reality of Postpartum Psychosis 

June 4

This film follows the murder trial of thirty-year-old mother Carol Coronado, who killed her three daughters amid a psychotic postpartum breakdown. This hard-to-watch documentary examines the challenges within the U.S. healthcare system and the criminal justice system, which still takes a punitive stance toward people with mental illness.

mRNA – Hype or Hope? 

June 8

DW-Dokumentation mRNA - Hype oder Hoffnung

The future of genetic vaccines

This one-off documentary looks at how the gene-based vaccine mRNA, the same mechanism used for COVID-19, is poised to become a revolutionary tool for medicine. How does mRNA technology work? Could mRNA vaccines treat diseases beyond COVID-19, such as cancer, HIV, autoimmune disorders, and genetic diseases? What might be the risks? Find out June 8.

The Future of Travel 

June 14

Symbolbild | Flugreise

The fate of travel in a "low emissions age"

Travel comes at a cost. It puts a strain on many of the world's most popular destinations: from traffic and aviation emissions to overcrowding and waste. Fortunately, change is afoot – albeit slowly. This film looks at the sustainable tourism model adopted by the Pacific island country of Palau and unveils everything ground-breaking in travel. 

The long war – Israel-Iran-USA 

June 15, 22

This two-parter examines modern conflicts that have shifted power dynamics in the Middle East and reshaped East-West relations: from the Islamic revolution in Iran to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and from the first Gulf War to the civil war in Syria. Catch part one on June 15 and part two June 22.

175 Years of Zeiss – The Rise of a Global Company 

June 19

This documentary follows the evolutionary path of the German manufacturer ZEISS, which has been in the business of optics and optoelectronics since 1846. It gives some of the important milestones along the way that have helped ZEISS go down in history: the moon landing was captured with ZEISS camera lenses is one example.

Euromaxx: Iceland's Westfjords 

June 25

Bildergalerie Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2022

Iceland's dramatic landscapes

For those who wish to dive deeper into more remote landscapes, Iceland provides the perfect kind of remoteness and splendid isolation with nature. DW magazine Euromaxx explores Iceland's Westfjords this June, taking viewers along the jagged routes that rise, fall, twist and turn along each fjord. Don't miss out!

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