Discussion series Perspective:Change | Diversity | DW | 14.05.2021
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Discussion series Perspective:Change

In the internal discussion series Perspective Change, Zahra Nedjabat, Head of International Relations and Diversity, discusses with colleagues the current situation regarding the diversity dimensions.

DW Diskusionsreihe Sexuelle-Orientierung


With employees from over 60 nations, DW stands for cultural diversity. Whether this makes it immune to discrimination and racism, or whether a multicultural environment is a breeding ground for resentment, is explored by the new discussion series Perspective:Change - a measure launched by the International Relations and Diversity team to promote diversity and inclusion. To kick off the series, Director Peter Limbourg speaks with colleagues from Bonn and Berlin on the topic of "Everyday Racism against People of Color" about their experiences with discrimination and how they personally deal with it.

The format explicitly does not aim to be a classic transfer of knowledge or training. Even a discussion about the definition of the term would go beyond the scope of the series. The aim is rather to sharpen perceptions on all sides, to listen to each other, to learn from each other and thus to sensitize people to diversity.

 As a member of the Charta der Vielfalt, DW is committed to buid a diverse and inclusive corporate culture in a modern society and promotes the appreciation of all employees in their respective individuality as well as the opportunities of diversity in working life.

The International Relations & Diversity department, together with Intendant Peter Limbourg, launched an initiative to address the challenges and opportunities of diversity, inclusion and appreciation: In the debate series, the Management Board discusses the current situation with "diverse" colleagues on the core dimensions at DW, such as: ethnicity, age, social background, people with disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, religion and worldview.

The discussion series was created to make various dimensions of diversity at DW tangible.

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Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


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