Discover the world through the eyes of DW | Homepage of DW's corporate website. | DW | 04.06.2012
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Discover the world through the eyes of DW

Ksenia, employee at the Goethe-Institute in Kiev, Ukraine and winner of our “DW and you!” competition was excited this time to visit the German Embassy for very personal reasons.

With the relaunch of the expanded contents, the numerous innovations in 2012 and of course the new DW logo, we called on our users all around the world to send us pictures of themselves with the DW logo. In a picture gallery we presented the huge amount of ingenuity, diversity and internationality of our users and awarded the 23 best and most creative entries.

Fotoeinsendung von Ksenia, DW sucht Sie Gewinnerin

Discover the world through DW-eyes, like Ksenia and tomcat Sefir

The people behind the photos

We are happy that our photo competition has not only brought us great pictures of our worldwide users but also lets us experience in what ways our users feel connected to DW and what personal stories lie behind the various snapshots. Read on to find out how Ksenia and her tomcat Sefir “discover the world through the eyes of DW.”

“I live in Kiev and I work at the Goethe-Institute Ukraine. Since public relations work is one of my main tasks, it is vital for me to always keep up-to-date about what is going on in the world. So when I arrive at office I boot up my computer, check e-Mails and DW’s headlines and main stories… only then my day at work begins.”

Xsenia, Gewinnerin des DW sucht Sie Fotowettbewerbs

Ksenia's "lucky face" after the delivery of her price

As on 16 May 2012 Ksenia happily received her price – a smart phone – at the German Embassy in Kiev, she also explained how she really appreciates DW as a reliable source of information “that provides an insight look into the various areas of social life throughout the world and Germany.”

We are delighted about the contact that arose from our photo competition and wish a lot of joy with the smart phone. Surely Ksenia can use it in the future to “stay up-to-date” or to take more great pictures of herself and her tomcat Sefir.

Do you also discover the world through the perspective of DW? Then please write to us about it – we are looking forward to receiving your entries.

EINSCHRÄNKUNG DW Personenfoto | Corporate Communications | Carla Hagemann

Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


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