Cakradirana, Agi S. | DW's international conference: Global Media Forum. | DW | 28.05.2013
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Cakradirana, Agi S.

Deputy Programme Manager, IDBP/Interim Director YRE Hivos Regional Office Southeast Asia, Indonesia

GMF Foto GMF Foto GMF Foto Agi S. Cakradirana Beschreibung: Referent Agi S. Cakradirana auf dem Global Media Forum 2013 Format: Sonderformat 244x330 Bildrechte: Verwertungsrechte im Kontext des Global Media Forums 2013 eingeräumt.

Agi Safitri joined the Climate Leadership Programme (CLP) in Indonesia in 2011. CLP is a program for Indonesian and South African managers from business, the public sector and civil society organized by Germany's international cooperation organization, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). During the program Safitri was promoted to deputy programme manager for the Indonesia Domestic Biogas Programme (IDBP), a renewable energy development project run by Dutch development organization Hivos. She now also serves as interim director for a newly established foundation focusing on access to clean energy for domestic use. Safitri's main responsibilities range from program management and facilitation of the carbon credit mechanism at IDBP to managing relations with multi-stakeholders involved in or affected by Hivos' renewable energy programs in Indonesia and introducing vibrant ways of thinking at work.

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