Our series "Coming Home" | Empfang der TV Programme der Deutschen Welle in Ihrer Region | DW | 17.11.2011
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Our series "Coming Home"

People have different ideas and different opinions about what "home" means. But what means home to you? us what you associate with your homeland.

As long as it’s all around us, like the air we breathe, we take it for granted. We’re hardly aware of it until it’s gone, and then we know what we’ve lost – or haven’t lost as the case may be: home.

What do people feel and experience when they return to the country of their youth? To a country they left years before, trading it for a life in Germany?
In our series "Coming Home", DW accompanies people as they make their way home. Their personal road movies will shed light on the aspects of life that they have found in Germany – and what they have missed.

What means home to you?

You only miss it, when it’s gone. Your homeland. But what is it? Is it a country? A feeling? Watch our series “Coming Home” and write us an e-mail (myDW@dw-world.de) explaining your perspective, or send us your own pictures. We will be publishing them at:



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  • Datum 17.11.2011
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  • Datum 17.11.2011
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  • Permalink https://p.dw.com/p/RwPK