Satellite change for DW Arabia HD on NileSat 201 | Accessing DW's content via TV and radio | DW | 30.10.2020
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Regional Reception

Satellite change for DW Arabia HD on NileSat 201

On November 1, 2020, Deutsche Welle changed its satellite transmission for DW Arabia from NileSat 201 to Eutelsat 8 West B

On November 1, 2020, Deutsche Welle changed its satellite transmission for DW Arabia from NileSat 201 to Eutelsat 8 West B and switches to HD.

Please tune into the new parameters:
Position 8° West
Transponder BWM09
Frequency 11,137 GHz
Polarization horizontal
Symbolrate 27.500 Msymbols/s
Video standard DVB S-2

We recommand an automated search so your receiver can scan the satellite to list DW.
Please note that your receiver must be HD ready in order to decode the video signal.

The signal on NileSat 201 was terminated on January 1, 2021!

You can donwload the satellite footprint here.

If you have additional questions, please send an e-mail to