Biofuels divide opinions among DW readers | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 11.03.2011
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Biofuels divide opinions among DW readers

Most readers are concerned biofuels are contributing to food shortages and damaging vehicles, but others say it's a good step towards reducing the carbon footprint.

'Efficient cars instead of environmentally harmful biofuel' reads a sign from Greenpeace in German

'Efficient cars instead of environmentally harmful biofuel'

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

German government to stand behind controversial biofuel

Where I live in America we have no choice but to burn E10 ethanol fuel. Immediately after I was forced to burn E10 I noticed a loss of power and performance and I had to adjust my engine timing. Fuel mileage has decreased by 10 percent. -- Mike, US

As one who is forced to use E10, I can say that Germans have a right to worry about their engines. E10 creates water in fuel, which damages engines, especially small engines and two cycle engines. Miles and kilometers per gallon are also reduced dramatically. There is no positive feature to E10. -- Reinhardt, US

German press review: Government to blame for biofuel crisis

This is wonderful news for the world's poor and for the environment. Organizations that predict food prices regularly have emphasized the role of biofuel demands in reducing the world's stores of basic foods, such as cooking oil that that the world's poor depend on for survival. The current food crisis is the second in three years. It forces governments of poor countries to spend immense sums of money to protect the roughly half of their populations that live on less than $2 per day, but that only drives food prices higher for even poorer countries that cannot afford the food subsidies. By boycotting biofuel, Germans are addressing in an effective way the world hunger, political unrest, environmental, inflation, and budget problems caused by biofuel demands. Hopefully, other biofuel producing countries will learn from what is happening in Germany. -- Clay, US

If E10 was good for any car, folks would use it. Why are we being forced to use some untested fuel because a bunch of EU ministers thought it was a good idea? Did anyone ask the motorists? I will never put a tank of this crap in my car. I am tired, really tired of the EU trying to take over my life. If these fools had to run for office, get elected, and do something constructive they would be out on their rear ends. -- Paul S., US

Too bad the handling of information and publicity leading up to the introduction of E10 may have been less than many consumers felt comfortable with. We in the US have been using E10 for many years and modern automobiles have no difficulty performing well on the bio-fuel. Recent tests to increase the bio-blend to 15 percent have been positive as well. It has also reduced dependence on imported oil, lowered costs to consumers and reduced the GHG/carbon footprint. Adequate information will help consumers feel comfortable with higher bio-blends and to see a greener future. -- Paul T., US

I believe that in the US, large amounts of crops are being converted into bio-fuels. This diversion of crops to bio-fuels has led to a shortage of corn etc. worldwide and this, in turn, has led to higher prices. Also, people who have been using the bio fuels in boat engines report having problems. -- Peter, Ireland

Compiled by Stuart Tiffen
Editor: Rob Turner

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