Does the US Need Europe? | Services from Deutsche Welle | DW | 05.02.2005
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Does the US Need Europe?

After his State of the Union Address, Europeans began to wonder how much US President George Bush intends to work with international partners this side of the Atlantic. DW readers give their opinion on the situation.

What role does the US have in mind for Europe?

What role does the US have in mind for Europe?

The following comments reflect a cross-section of the views of our readers. If you would like to have your say, click on the feedback button below. Not all reader comments will be published. DW-WORLD reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

We keep hearing how America needs Europe in order to solve problems but we never hear just why that is. What exactly does the EU bring to the table? Militarily, excluding England, they are on a par with Canada. All EU decisions are based on how France or Germany can make money, as in the shameless fawning by EU leaders in China. Is it that Europe just wants to feel like it is still a player? Please enlighten. – J.L. Ronish

One must only look at Bush's track record when seeing if he will work closely with Europe. Time and time again the president has told us that he will work with the rest of the world only to tell them "my way or the highway" when they decide not to agree with him. Don't expect any changes, Europe. Bush has proven to America that he is prepared to work with others only if they are willing to follow exactly what he wants. And to imagine 59 million of my fellow citizens voted to elect the man. -- David Smo, US

Tensions between France, Germany, and the US will worsen if the UN “Oil-For-Food” scandal causes public opinion of the UN to erode in the US. Popular support in the US for the unilateral foreign policy of the Bush administration will grow stronger as a result of the UN's image being tarnished by scandal. Furthermore, UN and European disregard for US interests in Cuba are seen by the American public as foolish and self-serving. France, Germany, and Russia are seen increasingly as self-interested antagonists rather than powerful allies by the majority of Americans who recently elected and support the Bush administration. If these countries demonstrate a real willingness to partner with the US to accomplish important goals like ending tyranny, spreading freedom, military consequences for countries that harbor terrorism, and serious consequences for countries like Iran and North Korea that defy nuclear anti-proliferation treaties, then we will see true cooperation between the US and Europe. America can not and will not compromise on these core issues because solving the problems, which are the scourge of the planet, is the only way to insure the long term security of the US. With its military might and history of altruistic anti-colonialism, America stabilizes violence by international terrorists and rogue nations that threaten to disrupt the world economy on a daily basis. As long as there is a threat of terrorism, Bush's pre-emption policies will continue and it's up to Europe wake up and get on board. -- Peter Hass, US

I guess with an unemployment problem of five million, Germany does not want to make anybody mad. If you tell the Iranians up front that you will not use force if they do not do away with their nuclear weapons development, what leverage does the EU have to enforce any agreement if Iran keeps developing nuclear weapons? For a pacifist country, why would Germany want to sell weapons to China? What is in these agreements that would benefit America, since we are the only ones who will fight to save our democracy? I wonder how many people died in the past from weapons and gas German firms sold to Saddam. -- Marc Johnson Sr. US

How about reversing the question? Maybe the EU should work more closely with Bush during the second term. Or better yet, Germany, remember Germany? Instead of "Euro-Group-Think" blaming Bush for everything, it is time for Germany to think about itself. In economic growth, unemployment, taxes, job creation, immigration, social unrest, world influence and future prospects, Germany is worse off for association in the EU; and the world can get a lot uglier. It is time for Germany to look at the world for what it is, choose policies that are best for German interests. -- Michael Mullock

I understand Europe's hopeful reaction that Bush may be more willing to collaborate on issues of common interest. But be warned: Bush's idea of collaboration means you accept his plan, and he is free to ignore your plan. He has already demonstrated this mindset with the Democratic opposition in Congress. Bush believes the election delivered to him a mandate, and he still believes in "my way or the highway". The European leadership would probably be better served by remaining skeptical.-- Bob Schindler, Cincinnati , US

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  • Date 05.02.2005
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (ktz)
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  • Date 05.02.2005
  • Author Compiled by DW staff (ktz)
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