Russia: Radio News and Current Affairs Programs | Europe/Central Asia | DW | 18.06.2008
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Europe/Central Asia

Russia: Radio News and Current Affairs Programs

Factual, listener-oriented and critical - current affairs reporting is a particularly suitable subject for journalists to reflect upon the role and remit of radio broadcasting.

Participants sit and talk

There is a great need for practical training for radio journalists in the Urals. On the initiative of a regional broadcaster, 12 journalists from both state and private radio broadcasters met in Yekaterinburg in 2007.

A participant speaks into a microphone

They were there to explore the journalistic and artistic scope of magazine programs. The goal of the course was to produce factual, listener-oriented and critical news reports.

The group was constantly confronted with and reminded of the journalist's role in a democratic society. Reflections on questions of journalistic ethics are particularly important in a region where freedom of the press is restricted.