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تلويزيون په ژوندۍ بڼه — DW English

تلويزيون په ژوندۍ بڼه — DW English

Focus on Europe — Spotlight on People

د مهال ویش له برخې تیريدل

مهال ویش

۱۴۰۳ شهریور ۲۹, پنجشنبه
07:30 UTC
Focus on EuropeSpotlight on People
After more than two years in a Russian prison, Sasha Skochilenko is free. She was arrested for posting five anti-war stickers critical of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. +++ Elderly poverty in Germany: Three pensioners tell their stories.
08:00 UTC
DW NewsNews
08:30 UTC
Conflict ZoneGuest: Kira Rudik
Tim Sebasstian interviews Kira Rudik, Ukrainian MP and leader of the opposition party Golos.