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Dissident artist Ai Weiwei, center, speaks to journalists after a verdict was announced in his lawsuit against the Beijing tax authorities in Beijing, China, Friday, July 20, 2012. A Beijing court on Friday rejected an appeal by artist and government critic Ai against a more than $2 million fine for tax evasion, which he says is part of an intimidation campaign to stop him from criticizing the government. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
圖片來源: dapd


據法新社報導,中國著名藝術家和維權人士艾未未指責中國當局幕後策劃反日示威行動。艾未未周四(9月20日)對法新社說,當局試圖讓示威行動顯出自發的樣子,但眾多細節表明,示威行動是精心準備的結果,在全國很多地方,示威行動得到「官方人士的鼓動」。艾未未指出,例子之一是美國駐華大使駱家輝(Gary Locke)坐車在駛經一支遊行隊伍時遭襲。艾未未稱,他當時正好在場,拍下了襲擊場面。他說,他非常驚訝,因為所有人都可以看到,整個示威行動是由官方機構準備的。艾未未指出,中國最後一次真正的民眾示威發生在1989年。他指出,當年的示威「被坦克碾碎」。