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電視直播 - DW English

電視直播 - DW English

DocFilm — Verdun - The Battle of the Great War

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02:15 UTC
DocFilmVerdun - The Battle of the Great War
Today, the hellish Battle of Verdun is a symbol of the horrors and futility of the First World War. There are now 40 French and 30 German military cemeteries across the former battlefield, and a total of 170,000 dead are buried there.
03:00 UTC
DW NewsNews
03:15 UTC
REVWhy Bosnians only drive Volkswagen
Why is the VW Golf so adored in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Some people say that Golf's legendary status here was born during Bosnia's war of independence in the 90s.  But the story goes back far further than that. We take a trip to find out more.