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Major General Robert Mood, the head of the U.N. observer mission in Syria, speaks during a press conference, in Damascus, Syria, Friday, June 15, 2012. Mood said Friday a spike in violence is derailing the monitoring mission, which is the only functioning part of an international peace plan to calm the country's spiraling crisis. He also blamed both sides of the conflict for the escalating bloodshed. (Foto:Bassem Tellawi, Pool/AP/dapd)
Chef der UN-Beobachter Robert Mood圖片來源: dapd


聯合國派往敘利亞的觀察團對該國內戰局勢進一步升級提出了警告。觀察團團長穆德(Robert Mood)表示,在過去的10天裡,不管是阿薩德政府軍方面,還是反對派武裝方面,暴力行為都有所增加。雙方目前已經對政治解決衝突沒有興趣,只顧及軍事上的進攻。這就導致敘利亞平民處於越來越危險的境地。人權活動人士指責聯合國觀察員沒有為落實安南的六點和平計劃付出充分的努力。位於倫敦的敘利亞人權觀察組織要求觀察團成員,要麼拿出實際行動來,要麼乾脆收拾行李回家。