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A boy, affected in what the government said was a chemical weapons attack, is treated at a hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo March 19, 2013. Syria's government and rebels accused each other of firing a rocket loaded with chemical agents outside the northern city of Aleppo on Tuesday, an attack which a cabinet minister said killed 16 people and wounded 86. REUTERS/George Ourfalian (SYRIA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters


聯合國化武核查專家下周前往敘利亞,月底結束核查任務。聯合國發言人內西爾基(Martin Nesirky)當地時間周二(8月6日)在紐約表示,目前,有關各方正致力於澄清最後一部分司法和後勤方面的問題,已在海牙的專家小組將在未來數天內完成準備工作,屆時,將對外公佈啟程日期。上個月,敘利亞總統阿薩德同意聯合國派遣核查專家進入敘利亞,在3個地方實地調查關於衝突方在敘利亞內戰中使用過化武的指控是否屬實。聯合國專家小組的任務是,確認,是否動用過神經毒氣或其它化學武器,但無須澄清責任方。敘利亞當局和反對派均指控對方使用化學武器。敘利亞反對派也承諾,與聯合國專家小組合作。