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epa02791706 A Lockheed Martin F16 'Falcon' is performing during a demonstration flight at the Paris Air Show 2011 at Le Bourget, Paris, France, 23 June 2011. According to the organizers, the trade show from 20 to 26 June will feature 28 international pavilions, 140 aircraft including an exceptional appearance by the solar aircraft 'Solar Impulse', jobs and training area, an 'Alternative Aviation Fuels' village and the opportunity to visit the air and space museum. The International Paris Air Show at Le Bourget is expected to be visited by 138,000 professional visitors and 200,000 general public visitors. EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT
Flugzeug Lockheed Martin F16圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


美國眾議院周五表決通過向台灣出售66架新型F16戰鬥機的議案。議員們表示,這一交易可以幫助台灣縮小與中國大陸之間的軍事實力差距。眾議院希望通過這一表決迫使總統歐巴馬在原定的為台灣現有戰機提供更新設備的計劃之外,額外批准向台灣出售F16戰機。不過,這一議案還需得到參議院的通過。據法新社報導,該議案的主要支持者、共和黨眾議員格蘭格(Kay Granger)表示,這一軍售議案可以保證美國在太平洋的這一重要戰略盟友的自我防衛能力。