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US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks during his press conference with his Turkish counterpart on April 7, 2013 in Istanbul. Kerry arrived on April 7 in Turkey to discuss Syria's civil war and the Middle East peace process as well as to bolster the Turkish-Israeli rapprochement brokered two weeks ago by Washington. AFP PHOTO/BULENT KILIC (Photo credit should read BULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images)
John Kerry Türkei圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

美國國務卿克裡(John Kerry)要求伊朗,在有關該國引起爭議的核計劃的會談問題上,不要再繼續拖延時間。克裡在訪問土耳其期間表示,談判不能是一個沒有止境的過程。此前以色列政府已經批評伊朗在和談判過程中有意拖延。以色列戰略事務部長施泰尼茨(Steinitz)在接受軍方廣播電台採訪時,呼籲國際社會用軍事手段或「另一條紅線」對伊朗發出威脅。周六,伊朗和由安理會5個常任理事國及德國組成的「五加一集團」的最新一輪會談無果而終。