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綠色和平成員遭起訴 荷蘭進行法律營救

epa03888150 A Russian Investigation Committee arrives to inspect the Greenpeace International ship, Arctic Sunrise, in Murmansk, Russia, 28 September 2013. They bring with them, sniffer dogs and data experts. Captain Peter Willcox was (while still under detention) present during the inspection. Thirty people of 19 different nationalities were detained when Russian border guards stormed the Greenpeace icebreaker Arctic Sunrise on 19 September, a day after two activists scaled a Russian oil rig in the Pechora Sea to protest against the potential impact of drilling on the Arctic_s ecosystem. EPA/Dmitri Sharomov / Greenpeace HANDOUT IMAGE AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD BY EXTERNAL MEDIA FOR 14 DAYS AFTER RELEASE. TERMS OF DELIVERY: NO THIRD PARTIES, NO RESALE, NO ARCHIVE, FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NOT FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. CREDIT-LINE COMPULSORY EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


30名綠色和平成員被俄羅斯當局以海盜罪提起訴訟。現在,荷蘭希望借助法律的方式讓這30人獲得自由。這30名綠色和平組織成員搭乘坐的「北極曙光號」(Arctic Sunrise)懸掛的是荷蘭國旗。荷蘭外長堤孟思(Frans Timmermans)本周五在一封遞交國會的信函中寫道,根據聯合國海洋法公約,在今天啟動了一項仲裁程序。

