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Anti-government protesters with the national flags gather at police barricades near a government building, which they chose as a protest site, in Bangkok November 25, 2013. Thousands of anti-government protesters marched through the Thai capital on Monday demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, a day after the biggest demonstrations since deadly political unrest in 2010. REUTERS/Damir Sagolj (THAILAND - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters

泰國反對政府的抗議者衝擊了該國財政部大樓。儘管當局出動大批警力,但一群抗議者還是闖入了財政部大樓。在首都曼谷,又有數千人走上街頭,抗議總理英拉(Yingluck Shinawatra)領導的政府。在周日,已經有大約10萬人舉行了大規模示威活動。引起這一輪示威浪潮的主要導火索是政府的大赦計劃。反對派擔心,被推翻的前總理他信(Thaksin Shinawatra)也有可能從中獲益。他信自從2008年起流亡海外,是現任總理英拉的兄長。儘管大赦法案此前已經被議會參議院否決,但抗議活動仍然持續不斷。