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MINA, SAUDI ARABIA: A Muslim pilgrim receives medical treatment 26 January 2004 at a hospital in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, as preparations continue for the climax of the Hajj pilgrimage at the end of this month. Mini Ambulances have been made available to get access to the crowded spots during the annual pilgrimage. More than 1.1 million Muslims from around the world have already arrived in Saudi Arabia for the hajj to Mecca. AFP PHOTO/Awad AWAD (Photo credit should read AWAD AWAD/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: AWAD AWAD/AFP/Getty Images

(德國之聲中文網)新的冠狀病毒與十年前主要在中國傳播的薩斯(SARS--嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症)病毒同屬於冠狀病毒。當時,全球約800人死亡。與 SARS病毒相同的是,新型冠狀病毒也是引發呼吸系統發生病變,可以導致嚴重的肺炎。但不同於SARS病毒的是,新的冠狀病原體也可引起腎功能衰竭。學名為(MERS)-中東呼吸綜合症的冠狀病毒迄今為止主要發生在海灣地區。2012年夏天發現首個案例。

MINA, SAUDI ARABIA: A doctor tends to a wounded Muslim pilgrim at a hospital following a stampede at the eastern entrance of the Jamarat bridge," where the pilgrims stone three pillars symbolizing the devil in the valley of Mina, east of the holy city of Mecca, 12 January 2006. At least 345 Muslim pilgrims were trampled to death as they tripped over luggage in a scramble to hurl pebbles at symbols of Satan during the annual pilgrimage, Saudi officials said. AFP PHOTO/BEHROUZ MEHRI (Photo credit should read BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images)
沙烏地已有15人死於新的冠狀病毒圖片來源: BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP/Getty Images



據世界衞生組織(WHO)的新發現,人與人之間的密切接觸可導致新型冠狀病毒在人際間的傳播。世衛組織助理總幹事福田敬二(Keiji Fukuda)在访问沙烏地阿拉伯期间在利雅德表示,到目前為止,沒有出現冠狀病毒廣泛傳播的任何跡象。今年年初時英國醫學工作者已經表示,估計該病毒只在特定條件下才會導致人與人之間的傳播。

ARCHIV - HANDOUT - Das Handout des amerikanischen Centers for Disease Control (CDC) zeigt ein Coronavirus unter dem Mikroskop. (Aufnahme vom April 2003). Foto: Center for Disease Control/epa/dpa (ACHTUNG: Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung und bei vollständiger Nennung der Quelle: «Center for Disease Control»; zu dpa «Weitere Coronavirus-Fälle in Saudi-Arabien - Verdacht in Frankreich» vom 10.05.2013) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
新型冠狀病毒與蝙蝠病毒是近親圖片來源: Center for Disease Control



消息來源:德新社、法新社 、路透社 編譯:李京慧
