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每日報摘 2012年7月24日


德媒報導說,經過13年的鎮壓, 法輪功依然在地下充滿活力。儘管中共嚴禁,還是可以發現有關法輪功的間接提示和當局的矛盾說法。-- 摘自《世界報》

Members of the Falun Gong meditation sect go through their meditation exercises during a protest calling on the Chinese government to stop persecution against the cult members, held outside Hong Kong's government offices on Monday, May 7, 2001, one day before Chinese President Jiang Zemin arrives in the territory to attend the Fortune Global Forum. Activists of many stripes are using the 3-day Fortune Global Forum, to air their complaints about the Chinese and Hong Kong governments. The greatest attention is focused on the Falun Gong meditation sect, which is outlawed as an evil cult in mainland China but free to practice, and speak up, in Hong Kong.
法輪功修煉者在香港中聯辦門前(資料圖片)圖片來源: AP
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