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阿富汗重建 全世界出錢



Afghan woman, Aziza Shir, 21, holds her three-week-old daughter Mjdah as other women and their children having breakfast together in a poor neighborhood in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Oct. 31, 2011. Countries around the world marked the world's population reaching 7 billion Monday with lavish ceremonies for newborn infants symbolizing the milestone and warnings that there may be too many humans for the planet's resources. (ddp images/AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)
阿富汗重建 全世界出錢圖片來源: dapd




Chairperson Sadako Ogata, third from right, opens a joint press conference in Tokyo following the Afghan Reconstruction Conference Tuesday Jan. 22, 2002. From left to right are, the conference co-chairs, European Commission External Relations Commissioner Christopher Patten, Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Miguel Nadal, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, Ogata, Saudi Arabian Minister of Finance Ibrahim bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Assaf, and Afghan Minister of Finance Hedayat Amin Arsala. The conference closed Tuesday with pledges of more than 4.5 billion U.S. dollars for war-torn Afghanistan. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)
阿富汗重建 全世界出錢 - 2002年的東京會議圖片來源: AP

阿富汗財政部長扎西瓦(Omar Zakhelwal)則希望還能吸引私人投資者前往該國,從而帶動經濟增長。與此同時,塔利班正策劃越來越多的恐怖襲擊,意圖破壞阿富汗的經濟環境。扎西瓦指出,塔利班不希望看到經濟增長,因此他們要製造恐慌的氣氛;但扎西瓦同時也表示,塔利班不會得逞,即便2014年國際安全部隊撤軍之後,阿富汗的安全依然有保障。目前,已經有不少國家許諾在2015年至2025年期間向阿富汗提供重建援助。


阿富汗總統卡爾扎伊(Hamid Karsai)則明確表示,他希望該國政府能自主決定至少一半的援助款項的用途。當前,阿富汗政府只對20%的援助資金擁有決定權,剩餘的80%都是由外國機構管理的。出資國主要是擔心阿富汗的腐敗狀況。

阿富汗議員薩賈迪(Abdulqayum Sajadi)也指出,阿富汗政府在過去十年間不斷承諾將加大打擊腐敗力度,但收效甚微。薩賈迪認為,阿富汗必須真正重視起反腐敗,才能獲得進一步的國際援助。他還希望東京會議的與會國,能夠將援助與民主法制進程相掛鉤。


***Achtung: Nur zur Berichterstattung über diese Ausstellung verwenden!*** An Afghan women waiting in line during parliamentary elections, This is one of the photos of 「die Blauen frauen 「photo exhibition in Gottingen city of Germany, this exhibition made by Mohammad Shoib Rezayi an afghan photographer who is living with a German family us a asylum in Gottingen, Germany.26.06.2012.Photo :(Mahammad Shoib Rezayi / DW)
阿富汗的女性權益誰關心?圖片來源: Mahammad Shoib Rezayi

阿富汗女議員、女權主義者科菲(Fauzia Kofi)則希望東京會議能夠關注阿富汗的女權問題。科菲已經與一些同仁整理了一張訴求清單,寄發給東京會議的組織方。她們希望,30%的援助款項能夠直接用於幫助阿富汗的女性。


作者:Ratbil Shamel 編譯:文山
