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epa03960039 A general view of the scene outside the 'Maxima' supermarket, after its roof collapsed in Riga, Latvia, 21 November 2013. Two people were reported dead and at least 15 injured after the collapse of a supermarket's roof in the Latvian capital of Riga, said officials on 21 November as they searched for dozens believed to still be buried in the wreckage. Up to 50 people might still be buried in the wreckage, said Deputy Mayor Andris Ameriks. The collapse might have been caused by an explosion, said rescue officials. The shopping centre was only two years old. EPA/EMIL DESJATNIKOV LATVIA OUT/LITHUANIA OUT/ESTONIA OUT /eingest. sc
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

拉脫維亞首都裡加一超級市場坍塌造成的死亡人數不斷升高。當地警方宣稱,事故共導致至少51人喪生,超過20人失蹤。本周四晚間,該超市的房頂突然坍塌。拉脫維亞內政部長柯茲羅夫斯基(Rihards Kozlovskis)宣稱,有跡象表明這座超市的建築品質不符合規定,目前援救工作仍在進行之中。