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[18184350] Anglo Irish Bank braucht weitere Milliarden Staff stand outside a branch of the Anglo Irish Bank in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 31 March 2010. The Irish government will inject another 8.3bn euros (£7.4bn, $9.9bn) into the nationalised Anglo Irish Bank, it has been announced. Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said pumping in more money was 'the least worst option'. Allied Irish Banks and Bank of Ireland will try to raise money from private investors. But Allied Irish Banks will probably require taxpayer support, the finance minister added. EPA/PAUL MCERLANE
Anglo Irish Bank in Belfast圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

愛爾蘭銀行高管傲慢的言辭可能導致嚴重後果。該國央行行長霍諾翰(Patrick Honohan)向《法蘭克福匯報》表示,相關人士可能要面對從業禁令以及罰金。兩位愛爾蘭銀行高管2008年的一次通話記錄日前公開後掀起軒然大波。其中盎格魯愛爾蘭銀行(Anglo Irish Bank)高管對即將用納稅人的錢拯救該銀行加以調侃。該消息公佈的當時,正在布魯塞爾出席歐盟峰會的愛爾蘭總理肯尼(Enda Kenny)批評相關銀行高管"傲慢、放肆。"德國總理梅克爾更是表態稱,她"真的只會對此加以鄙視。"