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Turkish soldiers and officials, wearing black coats, who had been held captive by PKK militants are seen before they are released in the northern Iraqi city of Dohuk, in this March 13, 2013 file photo. Jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan is set to call on his fighters to halt hostilities with Turkey on March 21, 2013 in a peace process which marks the best hope yet of ending a conflict that has killed 40,000 and handicapped the country for decades. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari/Files (IRAQ - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters


一名前庫爾德政治家宣佈,遭禁的庫爾德工人黨(PKK)戰士本周四(4月25日)起實施撤離土耳其計劃。據土耳其媒體周三報導,現為合法的庫爾德政黨—和平民主黨(BDP)議會議員的恩代爾(Sirri Süreyya Önder)稱,在庫爾德工人黨發表聲明的當天—4月25日,該黨目前在土耳其境內的約1500名武裝人員將開始撤走。恩代爾數周來曾多次會晤仍繫獄的庫爾德工人黨前領導人奧賈蘭(Abdullah Öcalan)和在伊拉克北部的該黨其他領導成員。去年年底起,奧賈蘭在獄中同土耳其情報機構就和平解決庫爾德衝突問題進行談判。自1984年衝突爆發以來,已有至少4萬人死於暴力。作為終止武裝鬥爭的交換條件,奧賈蘭要求安卡拉政府保障庫爾德族人在土耳其國家內的權利。上月底,奧賈蘭公開呼籲庫爾德工人黨接受停火、撤出土耳其。