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School teachers demonstrate in central Athens on September 18, 2013. As part of the controversial redeployment plan in the country reeling from six years of recession, civil servants have to accept new posts or spend eight months on reduced salaries as alternative posts are found, with the risk of losing their jobs altogether. The banner reads 'Wake up, the concerns of our teachers are also ours.' AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS (Photo credit should read ARIS MESSINIS/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: Aris Messinis/AFP/Getty Images

打著「與緊縮政策的長期作戰」的口號,希臘公共服務業進入全國大罷工的第二日。反對計劃中政府機構大規模裁員的主要是政府機關、學校和醫院。本周三罷工開始,大規模抗議活動主要集中在雅典,抗議在和平中進行。不過左派說唱歌手、34歲的活動家費薩斯(Pavlos Fyssas)周三凌晨在比雷埃夫斯被右翼勢力捅死,導致緊張局勢升級。仇外的新納粹黨「金色黎明」(Goldene Morgenröte)的一名成員對犯罪事實供認不諱。在希臘的數個城市,數千人舉行示威,反對法西斯主義。