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epa03627047 A Swiss woman (C), who was allegedly gang raped, is escorted by police women as she is being taken for a medical examination at a hospital in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India, 16 March 2013. A group of eight men allegedly raped a 39-year-old Swiss tourist and assaulted her husband in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, police said 16 March. The crime took place at a village near Datia town late 15 March, said district superintendent of police CS Solanki. EPA/SANJEEV GUPTA +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

一位瑞士女遊客在印度被輪奸後,印度警方逮捕了20名嫌疑人。這些人涉嫌參與搶劫、毆打這對瑞士籍夫婦,並實施輪奸。警方發言人表示,正在對嫌疑人進行審訊,但法院尚未發出逮捕令。受害者-39歲的瑞士女遊客與其丈夫在印度中央邦(Madhya Pradesh) 騎自行車旅行時,遭到歹徒襲擊,丈夫被捆綁,妻子遭輪奸。瑞士駐印度大使在同受害者交談後要求印度當局盡快調查此案。3個月前,印度一名女大學生在新德里一輛公共汽車上遭多人強姦、毆打致死的案件在印度全國引發抗議浪潮,並迫使政府採取措施改善治安和加強對女性的保護。