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[29663082] Iraqis open a new camp for Iranian opposition groups epa03110181 A general view, shows the former U.S military base which will be the new temporary camp for the Iranian opposition group Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) refugees, near Baghdad's international Airport, Iraq, 17 February 2012. The first group of Iranian exile group will leave Camp Ashraf in Diyala province, northeast of Baghdad to a former US military base outside Baghdad. Camp Liberty which will be the new temporary camp ahead to resettle the group outside of Iraq under a plan agreed with the United Nations. EPA/ALI ABBAS
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

路透社消息,一組伊朗異議人士在伊拉克的聚居地遭到了火箭彈襲擊,有兩人因此喪生。伊拉克警方內部人士透露了這個消息。這位知情者還表示,在首都巴格達發生的這場襲擊造成約40人受傷,受害者是「伊朗人民聖戰組織」 (MEK)成員,該組織在伊朗被禁止。
