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U.S. envoy on North Korean Affairs Glyn Davies, center, speaks to embassy staff, before heading to the nuclear talk between the US and North Korea, at a hotel in Beijing, China, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. The U.S. and North Korea reopen nuclear talks on Thursday that will provide a glimpse into where Pyongyang's opaque government is heading after Kim Jong Il's death and test its readiness to dismantle nuclear programs for much-needed aid. (Foto:Andy Wong/AP/dapd)
USA-Nordkorea Gespräche in Peking圖片來源: AP

一位美國政府特使表示,華盛頓和北京已經達成一致,如果北韓繼續進行任何形式的核試驗,都將導致其陷入更加孤立的境地,為重啟區域談判增添難度。美國北韓問題特使戴維斯(Glyn Davies)本周五在北京結束與中國官方高層人員的會談後表示,雙方都一致反對北韓進行核試驗。本周伊始,中美雙方對聯合國擴大對北韓制裁的決議表示支持,起因是北韓於2012年12月12日發射了一枚遠程火箭。作為回應,北韓方面已經表示準備進行"更高水準的核試驗"。