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新聞;然後是報導:高智晟緩刑期滿日,家人盼其歸來。高智晟2010年短暫露面後再次失蹤。而今天 8月14日是他緩刑期滿的日子。鄉情請聽新聞之後的時事焦點。最後是每周一次的德語教學節目

Myanmar's democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi speaks to local people during an opening ceremony of the Aungsan Jar-mon Library on Sunday, Aug. 14, 2011, in Thanatpin, Myanmar. Suu Kyi on Sunday made her first political trip outside the repressive nation's main city since her release from seven years of house arrest, a crucial journey that will test the limits of her freedom. (Foto:Khin Maung Win/AP/dapd)
翁山蘇姬在為一座圖書館致開幕詞圖片來源: dapd
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