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導致77人死亡的挪威兇犯佈雷維克(Anders Behring Breivik)製造了駭人聽聞的爆炸和槍擊事件13個月之後,挪威法院對其做出了最高判決。他將在監獄中度過21年的鐵窗生活。

Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik (C) arrives in the court room at Oslo Courthouse August 24, 2012. The Norwegian court delivers its verdict in the ten-week trial of gunman Breivik on Friday, deciding whether to send the anti-Muslim militant to jail or a mental hospital for the massacre of 77 people last summer. REUTERS/Heiko Junge/NTB Scanpix/Pool (NORWAY - Tags: CRIME LAW)
佈雷維克在法庭上圖片來源: Reuters

(德國之聲中文網) 2011年7月22日,佈雷維克先是在奧斯陸政府區引爆一枚炸彈,導致8人死亡,之後他又前往於特島,槍殺了參加社民黨青年夏令營活動的69名成員,其中大部分是年輕人。這一事件令整個國家感到震驚。


周五,(8月24日)安德斯‧貝林‧佈雷維克被判處有期徒刑21年。 這是挪威的最高刑期。不過刑滿之後,如果佈雷維克仍可能對社會構成威脅,他還有可能被加刑,每次不超過5年。


Norway's King Harald (R) and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg attend a wreath laying ceremony during a ceremony to mark the one year anniversary of the twin Oslo-Utoeya massacre by self confessed killer Anders Breivik, near the heavily damaged government building in Oslo July 22, 2012. REUTERS/Berit Roald/NTB Scanpix/Pool (NORWAY - Tags: POLITICS ROYALS ANNIVERSARY CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
哀悼遇難者圖片來源: Reuters




挪威居民完全以自己的方式對該事件做出反應。如果是伊斯蘭分子製造了此次襲擊事件,估計並不會引起大規模的民眾抗議集會。但是這一次情形完全不同。事件發生後,成千上萬的挪威人走上街頭舉行示威,哀悼遇難者。參加者包括外來移民,挪威人,議會中各政黨代表等等。所有人都為表達一個共同的心願,他們不能接受挪威社會的這部分。當時的挪威首相史托騰柏格(Stoltenberg)說: "我們的答覆是,我們將更加民主,更加開放,更加人性化,但絕不能過於天真。"

Members of AUF (The Labour Youth Organisation) sit with guests and relatives of those who died a year ago, on Utoeya island July 22, 2012, during the one year anniversary of the twin Oslo-Utoeya massacre by self confessed killer Anders Behring Breivik. Breivik, who said his mostly teenage victims were traitors because they supported multiculturalism and Muslim immigration, detonated a bomb outside parliament that killed eight, then shot dead 69 at the ruling Labour Party's youth camp on Utoeya. AUF Chairman Eskil Pedersen (2nd L), Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg (3rd L), Norway's former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland (5th R), Denmark's Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (3rd R) , Swedish social democratic politician Mona Sahlin (2nd R) and Norway's Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere (R) sit in the front row. REUTERS/Heiko Junge/NTB Scanpix (NORWAY - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST ANNIVERSARY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. NORWAY OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN NORWAY. NO COMMERCIAL SALES
哀悼集會圖片來源: Reuters

警方疏忽 缺乏防範


Oeystein Maeland (centre), Norwegian director of police, Sissel Hammer (left) police chief in Northern Buskerud police district, which has jurisdiction over Uoeya island, and chief of police in Oslo, Anstein Gjengedal (right) meet the press in Oslo, Monday Aug. 13, 2012. An independent commission said on Monday that Norwegian police could have prevented or interrupted the bomb and gun attacks carried out by Anders Behring Breivik last year. Breivik, 33, has admitted to the bombing of the government's headquarters in Oslo, which killed eight people and the subsequent shooting spree at a youth camp on Utoya island that left 69 dead, more than half of them teenagers. (AP Photo / Cornelius Poppe / NTB scanpix) NORWAY OUT
挪威警方圖片來源: AP


作者:Clemens Bomsdorf   編譯:李京慧
