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Islamic Media

Monday, 20 June 2011, 2.00 p.m. in Room F/G

Image: AP

The conflict between secular and Islamic forces in the Arab world has a considerable impact on the media. Secular media outlets must come to terms with Islamic-oriented governments while religiously aligned media have to assert themselves in secular environments. Both strive for independence – and both must cope with repressive measures and prejudice.

So where – in the scope ranging from liberalism to repression – can the working conditions for media professionals take root? Where do restrictions of freedom of expression and freedom of the press become apparent? To what extent – and by whom – are the media used as a mouthpiece to influence or manipulate public discourse?

In “the” Arab world, the media landscape varies greatly. Participants from Egypt, Turkey, the Palestinian territories and the United Arab Emirates will analyze the situation in their homelands and reflect on the political and social parameters shaping the media’s work there. They will focus on the matter of interaction between Islam and secularism when addressing questions such as: What characterizes the media landscape in their home countries? How “Islamic” or “secular” are the media and environments there? Where and what are the potentials for conflict? What sparks dispute? What tensions arise between those actually producing media products? And finally, how does that impact society?

Daniel Gerlach
Journalist, Co-Editor of Zenith, a German-Language Magazine on Eastern Topics

Wafeeq Khaled Ibrahim Al Natour
Palestinian Journalist, Media Expert, Researcher, Political and Media Analyst. Currently Director of Research and Media Consultant at BADAEL

Muhammad Ayish
Media Advisor, National Media Council Abu Dhabi; UAE

Semih Dündar Idiz
Columnist for the Turkish Daily Milliyet

Heba Raouf Ezzat
Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University, Researcher in the International Institute for Islamic Thought