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Devaki Patil | Student from Mumbai

March 21, 2014

The young woman from India has many dreams. She sees Germany as a country where those dreams can become a reality. She recently finished her studies in business administration and new possibilities are waiting for her.

"Germans are meticulous, organized and very passionate about what they do. If they put their mind to something,they always succeed."Image: DW

"My dream is to have friends in every country. I know this will be very difficult but I would be so happy if I got the opportunity," says Patil. "When I think of Germany, so many things come to my mind but most importantly, there's a picture of Schwäbisch Hall, a town in Baden Württemberg where I spent the most memorable three weeks of my life."

For Patil, Germany is a country that can withstand anything and come out stronger. "Germany has always been a strong and beautiful country to me," she says. She has been learning German for five years and DW has been there as a trustworthy guide and companion on her cultural journey.

Patil discovered DW through the Goethe Institute in India. "I think of it as the BBC of Germany," she says, "formal yet personal, different but interesting."

DW also provides an excellent opportunity with its German language training programs that are unique among international broadcasters. "DW to me is an easy way of keeping in touch with the language," Patil says, "just one hour of Euromaxx and I'm a happy German student. It isn't that the German is simplified, but it's put together in such a way that you can understand it." Patil also applied to be a contestant on the language learning program, Ticket nach Berlin and is a big fan of Jojo sucht das Glück and Community D.

Even though they are far apart, Germans and Indians can enjoy each others differences.
"Indians are very fond of German cars, German beer and German companies are loved and respected in India," says Patil. DW gives her a view from afar onto the country she admires so much. She is one of many curious young people from all over the world who use DW to learn and be connected with quality news and information every day.

Text: Wesley Rahn
Edited by: Jeanette Müller

Unternehmensbroschüre 2014: Devaki Patil
India and Germany- opposites attractImage: DW
Devaki sits in the Mumbai library and works on her laptop
Image: DW