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NANTONG, May 15, 2012 A policewoman shows the new biometric version (L) and the previous machine-readable version of the Chinese ordinary passport in Nantong, east China's Jiangsu Province, May 15, 2012. Starting from Tuesday, China's police departments will be issuing a new, microchipped ordinary passport which contains digitized data of the bearer's fingerprint and signature, in addition to the bearer's name, birth date and portrait photo. The newly installed biometric microchip is an update to the Chinese passport in terms of credibility and security
图像来源: picture alliance/ZUMAPRESS.com


据德新社报道,一名越南海关官员周一(11月26日)证实,该国以附加页面的方式在出入越南的中国公民护照上加注签证,以显示拒绝承认中国新版护照的官方立场。中国新护照上印有地图,显示南中国海为中国领土。这名官员称,越方在附加页面上盖戳,保障当事人的出入境签证,在当事人离境时便将附加页面收回。据当地媒体报道,上周末,约有200名中国旅游者从老街(Lao Cai)口岸进入越南,其中一半人手持新版护照。中国宣称对350万平方公里的南中国海的90%拥有主权。越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱以及台湾也对据信拥有丰富矿产资源的南中国海提出主权要求。