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Congolese riot police charge down a road to fire teargas at rioters on the outskirts of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tuesday 25 July 2006. Renewed gunfire was heard early Tuesday 22 August 2006, in the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) capital Kinshasa after 14 diplomatic envoys were evacuated from Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba's residence when his house came under heavy gunfire overnight. Firefights broke out Sunday in Kinshasa between President Joseph Kabila's presidential guard and forces loyal to Bemba as preliminary election results showed Kabila and Bemba would be squaring off in an October 29 run-off. EPA/NIC BOTHMA +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
刚果局势动乱图像来源: PA/dpa


欧盟委员会周一在布鲁塞尔发出警告,非洲第二大国刚果民主共和国的危机正在面临被遗忘的危险。欧盟委员会指出,根据相关统计,由于国内的暴力冲突,每一位刚果人一生中平均有三次逃离家园的经历。目前,在刚果有170万人为躲避暴力冲突流离失所,在刚果国内沦为难民。负责人道主义援助事务的欧盟专员乔基瓦(Kristaline Georgieva)周一在金沙萨宣布,今年欧盟对刚果提供的危机援助资金将增加到5900万欧元,同时将为该国长期提供发展援助。