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Models of mock North Korea's Scud-B missile, center right, and other South Korean missiles are displayed at Korea War Memorial Museum in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, April 4, 2009. North Korea said preparations to launch a satellite were complete Saturday and liftoff was imminent, as U.S., Japanese and South Korean warships with radar plied waters near the communist nation to monitor what they fear is a long-range missile test. (ddp images/AP Photo/ Lee Jin-man)
图像来源: AP


日本对朝鲜计划发射运载火箭作出强烈反应。日本防卫大臣田中直纪(Naoki Tanaka)周五(3月30日)在东京通报说,他已向军方发出命令,在紧急情况下击落载有卫星的这枚朝鲜运载火箭。他指出,朝鲜的运载火箭有可能对日本的国土安全构成威胁。此前,日本内阁会议批准下达相关命令。韩国日前也表示,必要时将击毁朝鲜运载火箭。因其核计划而受到国际制裁的朝鲜新近宣布,将于下月中旬将一枚民用卫星送上太空,以纪念已故国家奠基人金日成百年寿辰。国际社会对朝鲜发射运载火箭计划提出严厉批评。国际社会担心,朝鲜发射卫星的真实目的是试验其洲际弹道导弹。联合国安理会曾作出决议,禁止朝鲜进行任何与弹道导弹技术有关的导弹试验。