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(FILE) A file picture dated 20 November 2003 shows the P-26 platform of Brazilian petroleum company Petrobras, anchored 175 km from the shores of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where one hundred thousand oil barrels are extracted per day. Brazilian oil giant Petrobras is set to launch the world's biggest market capitalization, with a planned sale of new shares worth almost 120.3 billion reais (70 billion US dollars). Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on 23 September 2010 the move marked the 'biggest capitalization by a company in the history of capitalism.' EPA/MARCELO SAYAO pixel
巴西石油公司Petrobras的海上油田图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

巴西与五家国际石油公司组成的国际财团签署协议,开发一片储量巨大的离岸海底油田。根据“产量分成机制”,巴西联邦政府、各州和地区政府能够获得开采原油的75%权益。今年10月,由巴西国家石油公司Petrobras、荷兰壳牌石油(Shell)、法国道达尔(Total)以及中国海洋石油总公司(CNOOC)和中国石油天然气公司(CNPC)组成的财团赢得了里贝拉(Libra)离岸油田的开采权。该油田原油储量可能高达120亿桶。巴西总统罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)称周一签署的协议为“一个更为公正和更少不平等的国家”打下基础,巴西今后数十年都将从中受益。